Monday, May 10, 2010

Praise God!

Some ministries can go on for a long time before ever seeing the fruit of their labor. I was challenged by Bill Hybels book, Just Walk Across the Room, when he says that sometimes as believers, our job is just to take someone from a negative 7 to a negative 4 on how they feel about God and the Gospel. I'm a salesman. I like to "close the deal." Jesus tells us in John 4 that some will sow and others will reap their hard work. Today, I was blessed to reap the harvest!

An ex-dancer friend of mine found out that I was going to a club this week-end, she told me about a friend of hers, Hollie that was a dancer there. I contacted Hollie and then I met her boyfriend, Jose (one of the managers at the club) and we spent about 3 hours together on Saturday afternoon talking about how God is working in their lives.

Then today, I got a message from Hollie saying, "I can't wait anymore. When can I get baptized?" Less then 2 hours later, a small crowd of our Eastview staff witnessed the baptism of our new brother and sister in Christ, Hollie and Jose.

I know that God has amazing things in store for them and I look forward to see how they will continue to be salt and light wherever they are. I also know that satan will enjoy attacking them and discouraging them in their new faith journey. Please join me in battle to support and encourage Hollie and Jose through our prayers.

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